A Message from OAA’s President

A hearty, happy new year to the archivists in Oklahoma! The OAA executive board is gearing up for our first full year as an official organization. Thanks to all of you for joining up early, we are so thrilled to have almost 50 individual and organizational members in our first few months! Please remember to encourage your archival and collection management colleagues to join us, we have great plans for 2018 that they won’t want to miss. Our goals this year are to establish and facilitate regular communication on archives related topics, assist in areas of advocacy for archivists and archival collections, and create educational opportunities for archivists and archival collection managers. You will hear more about our programming and events in the upcoming year as we seek input from you (our members), BUT we absolutely want to know what your thoughts and ideas are for this organization. Do this by contacting us directly at okla.archives (at) gmail.com OR the best way to get what you need out of this organization is to get involved!
Currently seeking committee members for appointments made by January 31st, 2018:
Nominating Committee:
Receives nominations for the elected offices; prepares a slate of nominees and distributes a ballot to all membership. 1 member-at-large needed, appointed by the President
Membership Committee:
Distributes membership information and coordinates membership drives. 1 member-at-large needed, appointed by the Vice president
Budget and Finance Committee:
Prepares an annual budget to be approved by the Board and arrange an annual audit of the financial records. 1 member-at-large needed, appointed by the Treasurer.
2018 Annual Meeting Committee:
Plans and implements organization for the 2018 annual meeting of the OAA, including recruiting host location, arranging for public speakers and/or workshop topical experts. 3-5 members-at-large needed, appointed by committee chair (2018 – Sarah Milligan)
Email okla.archives (at) gmail.com to nominate yourself today.
We can’t wait to get to work for and with you! Thank you again for your support as we build this organization!
– Sarah Milligan
OAA President
Head, Oklahoma Oral History Research Program, Oklahoma State University Library