9:30AM – Welcome & Business meeting
10:00AM – Silences in the Archives: How to Amplify Marginalized Voices in Your Collections. A panel moderated by OAA member and Senior Archivist at the Carl Albert Center Congressional Archives JA Pryse featuring:
- Dr. Meta G. Carstarphen, faculty member in the Strategic Communication area of the Univ. of OK Gaylord College of Journalism and Communication. Her research interests are to explore the intentional use of mediated communication to create transformative, collaborative and diversified social change.
- Dr. Traci Brynne Voyles, Univ. of OK, Chair Women & Gender Studies. Dr. Voyles is an award-winning teacher and researcher in the fields of environmental history, environmental justice, indigenous studies, feminist theory, and critical race studies.
- Veronica Pipestem, Archivist/Educator/Librarian, Gilcrease Museum. Pipestem has fifteen years of experience working in tribal cultural programs and nine years of experience in libraries, archives, and museums. Veronica is an enrolled citizen of the Otoe-Missouria Tribe and an Osage headright holder.
11:30AM – Lunch Break
1:00PM – Collecting in the Moment: This session helps attendees start thinking about how to capture the history of time-sensitive events including protests, pandemics, and even parades and festivals, introducing key concepts and sharing case study examples and resources. Presented by Sean Ferguson, Northeast Document Conservation Center
2:30PM – Member case studies and general discussion
Scholarships provided by the Oklahoma Historical Records Advisory Board with funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission of the National Archives. THANK YOU!