2022 Oklahoma Archivists Association Annual Meeting
October 27-28, 2022 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Better Together: Connecting Archival Communities across Oklahoma
Thursday October 27, 2022 — Oklahoma Hall of Fame at the Gaylord-Pickens Museum
1:30 – 2:30PM – SAA Workshop: Basics of Managing Digital Records
3:00 – 4:30PM – SAA Workshop: Metadata Overview for Archivists
Friday October 28, 2022 — Oklahoma Hall of Fame at the Gaylord-Pickens Museum
9:00 – 10:15 AM Case Studies
Revealing Time Capsules from Nitrate Films at Oklahoma State University
9:00 – 9:05AM
Patrice-Andre “Max” Prud’homme (Oklahoma State University)
It was an astounding surprise when the Oklahoma State University Library Archives’ team was awarded funding to digitize time capsules that would help uncover many unknowns since the mid to late 1940s. With funding from the National Film Preservation Foundation, digital archives worked on three grant projects in the last four years to make reel-style footage of the Flying Farmers available online and in film print, and of the Play Championship Basketball available in the archives. This lightning talk will include a snapshot of the process that led to digitally making accessible and preserving these unique materials.
Women and the Red Cross: Expanding the Female Sphere
9:05 – 9:15AM
Chrissy Carlson (University of Central Oklahoma)
American women in World War I expanded their sphere of influence as they participated in and contributed to the American war effort. Specifically addressed are locally-organized volunteer units utilizing the Western History Collection at the University of Oklahoma.
Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office History Collection
9:15 – 9:25AM
Staff Sergeant Bradley Wynn (Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office)
Share artifacts from and discuss the collection, new discoveries, the nearly 300 original ledgers going back to 1890, and the long term plan to assess, preserve, and share with the public this unseen collection, including our new agency Museum that will be included in the new Sheriff’s Office soon to be constructed near the Oklahoma Railway Museum.
Blurring the Boundaries Between Archive and Classroom
9:25 – 9:50AM
James Cane-Carrasco (University of Oklahoma), chair
Kathleen Brosnan (University of Oklahoma), commenter
Caleb Farris (University of Oklahoma)
Justin Stuart (University of Oklahoma)
Bryton Chain (University of Oklahoma)
This panel examines some of the ways that we can bring archival work and materials to the History classroom, and highlights the growing University of Oklahoma program in public history. The panel consists of two presentations. The first is a reflection on the experience of archival work as an undergraduate intern in an important public history project, while the second explores ways in which educators might incorporate archival materials in the classroom.
Partner With Us! The ListenOK Guide to Oral Histories
9:50 – 10:00AM
Karen Neurohr (Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma Oral History Research Program)
ListenOK identifies and shares descriptions for thousands of oral history interviews made accessible by Oklahoma institutional archives, libraries, and museums. The guide provides a centralized searching point for these unique collections. I will demonstrate ListenOK, explain how to participate, and share information about the benefits of the guide for your institution, researchers, and the general public.
What makes an Oklahoma archivist?
10:00 – 10:05AM
JJ Compton (Oklahoma Christian University/Swansea University Wales)
This presentation will discuss part of my dissertation work which defines what makes an Oklahoma archivist and how that is different from archivists in other areas of the country.
Mapping Socially Critical Third Spaces Among Lesbians and Queer Women of Oklahoma City 1960s-90s
10:05 – 10:15AM
Brooke Leffler (University of Central Oklahoma)
My research questions how a variety of queer spaces came to be, thrived, adapted, contributed, and then disappeared. The goals of this project are: 1. accessibility for all generations to our shared historical legacy 2. matching private collections and memories with public archives 3. creating collaborative, engaging resources for storytelling.
10:30 – 11:45AM
Christina Beatty (Freedom Center of Oklahoma City)
Bailey Hoffner (University of Oklahoma)
Martha Beliveau (University of Oklahoma)
11:45 – 1:00PM
*Come back early between 12 – 1PM to eat and meet with members of the OAA executive board during the lunch break and learn how to get involved with OAA!
OAA Business Meeting
1:00 – 1:30PM
Metadata Justice Discussion
1:30 – 3:00PM
Kera Newby (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum)
Megan Macken (Oklahoma State University)
Shay Beezley (University of Central Oklahoma)
Anona Earls (University of Central Oklahoma)
Archives Tour – Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum
Archives Tour – Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum