This NEH ODH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities is designed to help archivists, librarians, and digital humanities practitioners create sustainability plans and address preservation concerns at any point in the life of a digital humanities project.
This Sustaining DH Workshop is designed to accommodate approximately 25 people, most working in teams of two or three, and focuses on attracting participants from the region surrounding Pittsburgh. We will be able to offer $1,000 travel bursaries to those participants who will need to travel in from the local area. We expect the participants who attend this workshop to leave not only with a well-documented and effective sustainability strategy for their digital work, but also with the ability to employ the Socio-Technical Sustainability Roadmap for all of their projects on an ongoing basis.
Five sessions will be held around the country: Oklahoma State University will be hosting one of these workshops on Feb. 28-March 1, 2019.
The application deadline for the Sustaining DH Workshop at Oklahoma State University is January 24, 2019.
Further information on the application dates for each workshop and application requirements at https://sites.haa.pitt.edu/sustainabilityinstitute/oklahoma-state-university/