Webinar: “Archival Advocacy at Home: Preparing & Messaging for Visiting District Congressional Offices.”
Date & Time: Thursday, April 18, 2019, 2pm – 3pm EST
Join members of the Joint Working Group in Issues and Awareness (comprised of representatives from CoSA, NAGARA, RAAC, and SAA), for this informative, free webinar designed to prepare individuals with the information, tools, and messaging necessary to have successful District Congressional Offices visits.
To register for this free webinar: https://www.nagara.org/Public/Events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=d3aa2085-dc7a-41e9-ac23-4a70c9ac03c6&iSearchResult=true&WebsiteKey=f614a8de-d008-443d-ab9e-6682b9a7a96f