The Society of Southwest Archivists Professional Development Committee is pleased to announce “Dealing with Copyright? Ask Copyright Experts!” will be held on Friday, May 29, 2020 at 9:00-10:30 am CST.
This is a Q&A session, open to any attendees dealing with copyright issues within their cultural institutions. Two copyright experts, Yvonne Dooley, the Copyright Specialist at the University of North Texas, and Emilie Algenio, Copyright/Fair Use Librarian at Texas A&M University Libraries, welcome the chance to hear about your challenges. They will kickstart the conversation by sharing helpful resources and typical copyright scenarios, leaving plenty of time for the audience’s concerns.
Registration is required to attend this donation based session. Please register at SSA Workshops (https://www.southwestarchivists.org/home/workshops/…) and share this announcement widely.