Native artists and cultural bearers are invited to participate in a landmark study that will help tribal leaders, funders, federal agencies, and others provide much needed support. To inform the study, Native artists should complete a 20-minute survey available here by May 1, 2021.
After you complete the survey, you will be provided with a link to register for the May 18, 2021 virtual Native Artists and Culture Bearers Summit where you may interact with artists, cultural organizations, funders, and others as we work together to develop an Action Plan.
The survey is a part of the Sustaining and Advancing Indigenous Cultures planning initiative conducted by the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums in partnership with the First Americans Museum, First Peoples Fund, Institute of American Indian Arts, the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts, Native Arts & Cultures Foundation, and the Native Nations Institute. It is funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Please share this message with other Native Artists. It is important that artists of all types and professional levels participate.
Thank you!
The Sustaining and Advancing Indigenous Cultures National Planning Council
“Strengthening the connection between Native people and the art and culture of their tribes is vital to the future of healthy Native communities and economies.” — First Peoples Fund, Investing in the Indigenous Arts Ecology