To date, the Archival Workers Emergency Fund has supported 112 archival workers in need! Thank you to the AWEF Review Committee for their diligent work each week to get these fund dispersed!
And thank you to our many generous donors for making this possible. We continue to receive new applications each day, and the Review Committee is approving and dispersing funds as donations are received. If you have the means and have not yet contributed, consider making a donation to ensure future applicants in need can receive support right away!
Created in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the Archival Workers Emergency Fund was established to provide financial assistance for archival workers experiencing acute, unanticipated financial hardship due to the crisis.
All U.S.-based archival workers affected by the COVID-19 crisis are eligible to apply to the fund. Recipients will receive grants of up to $1,000 as well as a complimentary year-long membership in SAA.
Applications will be evaluated with particular attention to the statement of need. Grants will be provided to applicants for as long as funding permits.