Nominations are now being accepted for the 2022 Donald Peterson Student Travel Award!

Dear colleagues:  Nominations are now being accepted for the 2022 Donald Peterson Student Travel Award!  Established in 2005, this award supports students and recent graduates from graduate archival  programs within North America to attend SAA’s Annual Meeting. The goal of the scholarship is to  stimulate greater participation in the activities …

2022 OAA Education Needs Survey

Dear Oklahoma Archivists Association members, Please help the Oklahoma Archivists Association build educational and professional development programs that will benefit you in 2022! Please take 5-10 minutes to fill out this survey which will inform the OAA Education Committee in building out programs for the coming year. While the …

Introduction to Scanning Webinar

This OAA sponsored webinar will offer an overview of the scanning process, including hardware and software recommendations, as well as digitization standards and best practices. We will also go over the basics of scanning different types of material such as loose prints, booklets, film, and other objects. Wednesday, December 8, 2-3pm …

Archiving 101: Fundamentals of Collection Management, a 6 Part Series

There will be a six-part webinar series sponsored by OAA that was designed to provide an introduction to the core aspects of managing and protecting historical records collections. The series will run weekly on Thursdays at 2:00 p.m. CST starting Sept. 23, 2021. Sponsorship of this workshop series is provided …

2021 Archives Bazaar – Call for Participants

The Oklahoma Archivists Association invites you to participate in the 2021 Archives Bazaar. The goal of this event is to inform the public about archives in Oklahoma. This year the Bazaar will be entirely online. Participating archives are invited to share information on recent or notable collections as well as …

A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Preservation

Upcoming Virtual Workshop! A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Preservation Tuesday, June 15, 1:00pm-4:00pm Instructors: Winnie Schwaid-Lindner, Digital Preservation Librarian, Louisiana State University. Vincent Barraza, Digital Preservation Librarian, Xavier University. Description: Digital preservation is different for every institution, every collection, and even every individual. Nobody knows an archivist’s collection better than …

NEDCC Presents FREE Online Preservation Training for Oklahoma Participants

NEDCC PRESENTS FREE ONLINE PRESERVATION TRAINING FOR OKLAHOMA These training programs are offered in partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Libraries, Oklahoma Museums Association, Oklahoma Archivists Association, and the Oklahoma Historical Records Advisory Board, with funding support from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. 10 Tips for Preservation-Friendly Reading …

Introduction to Remote Oral History Interviewing

This virtual workshop is organized by the OAA Education Committee. Patrick Daglaris, Oral History Archivist at Oklahoma State University will present this virtual workshop on Tuesday, May 18, 10:00 AM Central Time. The workshop will provide an overview of conducting remote interviews including the ethical, archival, and practical considerations of …

Sustaining and Advancing Indigenous Cultures: Developing an Action Plan

Native artists and cultural bearers are invited to participate in a landmark study that will help tribal leaders, funders, federal agencies, and others provide much needed support. To inform the study, Native artists should complete a 20-minute survey available here by May 1, 2021. After you complete the survey, you will be provided …