Project Update for the OK County Sheriff’s Office Historic Collection
Guest post by Deputy Bradley Wynn
As you may recall, the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office hosts a historic collection that has grown from efforts initiated in 2013 to “Save Our Story”. When started, there were only a handful of artifacts. Today there are thousands.
Within the past couple of weeks, one of the many goals desired was finally met! Nearly three hundred large leather bound ledgers, holding the records of our agency, going back to its inception in June 1890, have been safely relocated to another space and removed from the harmful environment they have languished in since 1992. The damage to some is extensive while most haven’t been opened since they were originally closed and set aside.
Among the many gems they have divulged is the record of Oklahoma’s first legal execution; an unknown image of President Theodore Roosevelt in 1912, when he passed through Oklahoma City during his Bull Moose campaign; original letterhead stationary from the early 1900’s; a rare record of individuals and businesses in the Oklahoma township, which lasted only a year, south of Reno Avenue and later annexed by Oklahoma City.
At some point in the future, a grant may be sought to help restore, digitize, and preserve these unique records. Work continues on our collection as time allows and you can learn more and see countless photos and videos of the work via our Facebook page:
You can contact me directly with any questions at or by cell at (405)833-1727